How to use - Java Library School

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Instalation of Java Library School

• Download the zip file: from the page Java Library School
• Extract the contents of the folder
• copy the folder lib contained in the zip in to the root of your project

Use of Java Library School

Import the library:

// import for reading user input
import lib.Console.Read;

// import for writing 1d & 2d arrays
import lib.Console.Write;

// import for generating random integers
import lib.Math.Random;

Creating the Objects:

// Object for reading user input
Read read = new Read();

// Object for writing 1d & 2d arrays
Write write = new Write();

// Object for generating a random integer
Random rnd = new Random();

Reading user input:

// Error that will be displayed if the user inputs the wrong data type
String error_msg = "Wrong input!"

// Reading an integer
int user_input_int = read.nextInt(error_msg);

// Reading a byte
byte user_input_byte = read.nextByte(error_msg);

// Reading a short
short user_input_short = read.nextShort(error_msg);

// Reading a long
long user_input_long = read.nextLong(error_msg);

// Reading a float
float user_input_float = read.nextFloat(error_msg);

// Reading a double
double user_input_double = read.nextDouble(error_msg);

// Reading a boolean
boolean user_input_boolean = read.nextBoolean(error_msg);

// Reading an String
String user_input_String = read.nextLine(error_msg);

Printing arrays:

The example below shows only the functions for printing int arrays. For all other functions the naming scheme is the same as for inputs.
// Int arrays to print
int[] 1d_int_array = { 97, 111, 99, 97, 108, 117, 120 };
int[][] 2d_int_array = {{ 23, 73, 225 }, { 59, 53, 25 }, { 12, 73, 225 }};

// Write 1D int array

// Write 2D int array

Generating an random intager:

// range for random int
int min = 0;
int max = 42;

// Generate random int
int randomNumber = rnd.rndInt(min, max);