Wallpaper - License

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Image License

The image(s) provided is/are licensed for non-commercial use only. This license grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the image(s) for personal or educational purposes, subject to the following conditions:

1. Attribution: Proper attribution to the copyright holder, C. Prickartz. The copyright holder must be included with any use of the image(s). The attribution must be clear and recognizable, and must not suggest any endorsement or affiliation without explicit permission. The attribution must be clearly visible and placed near the image.

2. No Commercial Use: The image(s) may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior written consent from the copyright holder. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, advertising, marketing, product promotion, or any activity intended to generate profit.

3. No Modification: The image(s) may not be altered, modified, or adapted in any way without prior written consent.

4. No AI Training: The image(s) may not be used to train artificial intelligence or other machine learning models.

All other rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, and moral rights, are retained by C. Prickartz.

Copyright © 2024 C. Prickartz

Application of the License

1. Standard License:
This/These image(s) is/are provided for non-commercial or educational use under the terms of the standard license defined above.

2. Commercial Use and Additional Permissions:
Any commercial use of this image, or use that extends beyond the standard license terms, requires a specific, written license agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:

a. Product promotion or advertising
b. Integration into merchandise or other for-profit materials
c. Public display or distribution for commercial gain

3. Obtaining a License:
To secure the necessary permissions for commercial use or other restricted activities, individuals or entities must contact the copyright owner directly. Please submit your request, including the intended use of the image, to:

Email: license@aocalux.com

4. License Agreement Terms:
The specific terms of the license agreement will be determined based on the particulars of your request. This may include, but is not limited to:

a. Additional attribution requirements
b. Licensing fees
c. Time limitations
d. regional usage restrictions